I’m just coming to the end of a very big project: building my own house. Well, not with my own bare hands, but having a house built 🙂
This isn’t something I ever imagined myself doing, and it’s been quite the adventure.
It took eighteen months to get the planning and to find a builder who could work within my budget, and the last nine months to actually have the house built. I’m just coming into the final couple of weeks now.
It’s been quite incredible to see it all come to fruition, and to be starting a new chapter.
I’ve moved through many transitions in the past, and this feels like another significant one.
I’ve been thinking about the process and what it’s shown me. The importance of patience, persistence, right timing and the act of believing before you see. Believing in the value of something before it actually happens. Finding the right people to support you, asking for help, holding the vision of what you’re hoping for when things get challenging, as they inevitably will, and allowing yourself to dream and think outside the box.
I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the chance to do this, to be creative and to see something develop, literally from the ground up, one brick at a time.
And that’s the way any big goal or dream happens, isn’t it? One brick at a time. Putting one foot in front of the other, and not giving up, if you’re sure about what you want.
I had doubts about this project, and about whether or not I could do it. I had a lot of worries, and they undoubtedly held me back. But after some initial confusion, I was able to really commit. I decided this was what I really wanted, and then it felt like less of a risk. I knew why I really wanted it, why it felt like my best option, and what it was worth to me, so I decided to persist. Once I fully committed things fell into place and started happening quite quickly. Which isn’t to say there haven’t been challenges since, but things have been moving in the right direction!
We need a good foundation for anything we do, and our mindset often seem to provide that foundation.
It strikes me that different rooms of a house can be like the different aspects of us, and our lives. We can decide what we put in those rooms, and how we want things to look and feel. As well as who we want to welcome in.
We can decide what kind of base camp or sanctuary we want to set up for ourselves, wherever we are, however simple that might be.
We can create a welcoming and inspiring home for ourselves internally, before we even worry about anything on the outside. I honestly believe that doing that for myself has helped bring this dream to life.
Outside structures can support and comfort us. We all want and need that. But let’s never forget that home is where the heart is, first and foremost, and that our most stable anchor lies inside of us, always.
With love,
Kelly x