Hello, and happy new year 🙂
Once again we have a blank slate. A new year for us to work with, to enjoy and to mould. A new year to change old patterns, to do things differently and to follow our dreams.
So what might that mean for you?
What would you like to be different this year, and what would you like to create?
How would you like to feel?
For me it’s about love and gratitude. Seemingly very simplistic, but something I seem to return to again and again. If we’re feeling love, and we’re feeling grateful, then we have everything – don’t we?
So I’d like to make sure that anything I create this year moves me closer towards these feelings, instead of away.
I’ve written several times now about the inside out way of living. About creating our own experiences, from the inside out. About gaining clarity around some of our unconscious beliefs that may be sabotaging our best efforts, and about feeling the way we want to feel in our bodies – right now, in order to draw more of those feelings and good experiences to us.
The power really is within us to feel the way we want to feel, and from there to create the changes and things we desire.
So what does that look like for you?
What can you do this year to move you closer to your dreams, and your heart?
Is there something you need to take a chance on, despite the risks?
Is there some way you need to strike out and go against the grain? To believe in yourself, even if others are doubtful?
These things can be big or small. They can be publicly and proudly declared, or they can be very private and personal to you, and done quietly.
Either way this is your life. Your new year. Your opportunity to create something of your very own.
It’s ok to do things differently. It’s ok to want whatever it is you want.
It’s ok to be unusual. This is your life, and it’s yours for the taking. It doesn’t have to look like anybody else’s. In fact, isn’t it all the more fun if it doesn’t?
So make this year count, in whichever ways are most meaningful and courageous for you.
I hope 2018 brings you everything you wish for and more .
With love,
Kelly x