I started a Masters in Psychology recently and I’m hoping I’ll have plenty more to share about this in future blog posts. Meanwhile life is busier than it’s been for a while and I’m settling into a new routine.
It’s been brilliant to have a new focus, to meet new people and to broaden my horizons.
That energy of something new.
Inspiration. Possibility. Joy. Something sparked.
An energy of openness and excitement. Optimism. Contentment.
It’s also got me thinking about everything I’ve learnt over the last 9 years and how to bring that in to what I’m doing now.
I’ve been really fortunate to have been able to organise a lot of my own work time for several years, leaving space for free flow and other things I enjoy. Now these gaps are a bit smaller, so I need to make the most of them and use the time wisely.
I’ve been wondering about how to infuse the busier times with the sense of spaciousness and stillness those bigger gaps used to fill me up with.
About how we can stay connected to ourselves even when we have more on our plates.
What helps you stay connected to yourself amidst the busy?
Can you ground in and breathe?
Can you pause to appreciate this moment, even amongst the activity?
Can you stop even for a minute or notice in mid-flow how grateful you are for something? Can you feel that in your body?
Can you feel the connection to your heart?
We need to be able to infuse these things into our days. No matter how busy we are or how many things are pulling our attention, we can stop to check in with ourselves. We can take a moment to breathe and to scan through our bodies.
We can see where we might be holding tension, where we need to relax. We can feel our feet on the ground, or ourselves being supported by whatever we’re resting on. We can allow ourselves to drop down from our busy minds into our hearts.
We can ask what we need right now, in this moment.
We can show ourselves some love.
We can take an alert awareness and presence to whatever we’re doing. We can try to focus solely on that and to give it our all, and then to do the same with the next thing.
We can choose to speak really kindly to ourselves as we go about our days. We can choose to be encouraging and loving.
And we can listen when our bodies tell us that we really need to take a break or to do things differently.
We are in charge of our own experience at any given moment. Often it feels like we’re not, especially when there are many demands on us. It can feel like we’re being swept away. But we always get to choose how we respond to what’s going on around us.
We can always choose to take a breath and come back to ourselves. To lay a good foundation for whatever it is that we want to go out and do.
So take you with you, everyday. Take that aware loving presence, especially on the busier days. Don’t forget the connection to yourself and to your centre. Stay checked in so you can hear your body’s messages and wisdom.
And there you’ll be, at the centre of your own life. Right where you belong, no matter what is happening around you.
With love,
Kelly x