Why do we feel the need to control everything? Ourselves, our plans, other people, the way things turn out. We try to control things to prevent anxiety and to make ourselves feel safe. But control of the outside world is an illusion. It’s exhausting. And it’s never ending. The degree to which we try to control is the degree to which we don’t trust.
But it’s actually often safer to let go, than it is to cling on – attempting to control.
Notice the tension in your body when you’re trying to control things. And notice the relaxation when you can let go. By relaxing we are trusting.
Trust that you’re being looked after. Trust in yourself and your own abilities to handle whatever happens. Trust that everything will turn out exactly as it’s meant to.
Learn to become more conscious of what you can and can’t control. We can’t control what happens. Or how we feel initially when something does. But we can always control how we respond and how we frame these things.
You can control how you nurture yourself, how you show up, how you love, who you’re being and the decisions you make. You can’t control the rest. So let it go. Focus on what you can control and be powerful there. Let go of what you can’t. Stop wasting energy in trying to change things that you cannot change, including other people. It starts and ends with you.
When things don’t go to plan or when life throws you a curve ball, it can be really hard to trust. But what’s the alternative? These situations ask us to trust all the more. They provide a chance for us to grow in faith, in strength and in a feeling of peace amidst uncertainty. To believe that it’s all happening for us and not to us and that we must need that experience for a reason. That it’ll all become clear in the end.
Try not to judge what’s happening. Stay open. Trust in the timing of your life.
Learn to dance between making things happen and letting them happen.
If you believed that everything was going to turn out well, would you really have to worry?
See that you won’t always get what you want, but that you’ll always get what you need.
Stand back in wonder and awe. Be curious as to how things will turn out. Become an explorer and marvel at your own life and experiences.
Start letting go of the reins. Start trusting more.
Don’t try to control everything so much that there’s no room left for magic.
With love,
Kelly x