Hello, and a very happy new year.
I hope you had a great break over Christmas.
I’m happy to be back and for my first post of 2019, I just wanted to invite you to pause and notice what’s going well in your life.
I see the tendency in myself and others at the start of a new year to think about any changes we might want to make, and any intentions we’d like to set. It’s the perfect time to do this.
The blank slate of a new year can be a great time for a fresh start on anything we desire. It brings new hope, possibility and the chance to do things differently. It’s a great opportunity that we can take at the start of a new year, and in fact any time at all.
But I also notice that it’s easy to get caught up in what isn’t working so well, and to feel frustrated or downhearted.
There are so many challenges we may come up against as a natural part of life – whether that’s to do with health, how we feel and things we might like to change about ourselves, or our relationships. Whether it’s money worries or other obstacles we feel we need to overcome. At most times everyone has something they are trying to improve or control, or something they hope will become better or easier.
This is such a normal part of life but it’s easy to become fixated, and for these problems to become all consuming. Or at least for us to worry and focus on them, and trying to solve them, for a larger proportion of our time than we might like.
This robs us of our joy and noticing all the good that’s around us.
By focusing on what we don’t have, or on the things we think we need to solve or improve, we miss what we do have in the moment.
So I invite you to join me in noticing what’s thriving in your life, and in appreciating what’s going well. In noticing all the things you have to be grateful for, that you might be missing because of certain situations or obstacles you perceive as being in the way.
There is always so much to be grateful for, alongside any struggles we face.
Wouldn’t it be such a shame and a waste to have a great life, and not to notice?
So here’s to focusing on all of the abundance, love and beauty that surrounds us every day, once we take an intentional pause and stop to see it.
And here’s to the creative solutions and fresh insights that seem to come as if by magic, once we’re lingering in the good feelings of all we have already.
So many of the problems no longer seem like the same problems that they did, and the ones that do still feel like problems, well we are in a totally different state of mind that allows us to approach them in a relaxed way with a lot more wisdom, and a lot more joy.
With love and wishes for the most enjoyable and grateful of years in 2019 🙂
Kelly x